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George Michael cancela su gira por ansiedad


George Michael ansiedad

La salud de George Michael sigue sin estar en su mejor momento: tras estar muy grave el año pasado por una neumonía que casi le quita la vida, parece que el cantante de Wham! no acaba de recuperarse del trauma que vivió y al que hacía referencia en el vídeo de su último single 'White Light'.

El intérprete de 'Jesus To A Child' tenía prevista una serie de conciertos por Australia dentro de su nuevo gira, pero ha tenido que cancelarlos porque sufre una grave ansiedad. El mensaje que dejó en su web para anunciarlo es el que te dejamos al final de esta entrada, que te resumimos contándote que el cantante está tratando de superar el trauma de su experiencia cercana a la muerte volviendo a la música y actuando, pero parece que la alegría que esto le aporta no es suficiente para seguir adelante y ni su salud ni su vocoder voz están al 100%. Pues nada, Jorgito, deseamos que te recuperes, vete de relax o de cruising y céntrate en curarte para volver a hacer videoclips tan espectaculares como el que hiciste con Kate Moss.



I have today announced the cancellation of the shows in Australia which breaks my heart. By way of explanation all I can say at this time is that since last year's illness I have tried in vain to work my way through the trauma that the doctors who saved my life warned me I would experience. They recommended complete rest and the type of post traumatic counselling which is available in cases like mine but I'm afraid I believed (wrongly) that making music and getting out there to perform for the audiences that bring me such joy would be therapy enough in itself. Unfortunately I seriously underestimated how difficult this year would be and although I was right to believe that the shows would bring me great happiness and that my voice would recover completely (I truly think that some of my recent performances have been my best ever) I was wrong to think I could work my way through the major anxiety that has plagued me since I left Austria last December.

All that's left for me to do is apologise to my wonderful Australian fan base and to promise faithfully that as soon as I completed these shows here in the UK I will receive the treatment which is so long overdue.

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