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Instagram apoya a los jóvenes LGBT con #VisibleMe



Ahí fuera hay gente como tú: jóvenes LGBT, ¡compartid vuestra historia con #VisibleMe!

¿No has visto este hashtag por Instagram durante los últimos días? Pues esperamos que pronto lo veas y mucho, y que sean miles las personas que contribuyan a él: Instagram apoya a los jóvenes LGBT con #VisibleMe. Que ya basta de tanto hashtag combinando la palabra "gay" con absolutamente lo que sea para arañar un par de likes más.

Esta iniciativa ha nacido gracias al simpático chico de la foto que ves arriba, Raymon Braun. Raymon es un joven gay que vive en un recóndito lugar del estado de Ohio, en Estados Unidos. Y ya sabes cómo son los pueblos y las ciudades pequeñas, donde desafortunadamente no suele haber gran visibilidad del colectivo LGBT. Pero por suerte tenemos internet y las redes sociales para conectar con otras personas con las que compartimos inquietudes y orientación sexual.

Raymon cuenta que en su momento, gracias a hablar con otros gays, tuvo el valor de afrontar la realidad y salir del armario. Y ahora quiere que todos los jóvenes LGBT compartan su historia y sus vivencias personales en Instagram, usando el hashtag #VisibleMe, para lograr mayor visibilidad en la red y ayudar a muchos a que vean que no están solos en el mundo. "La gente es más sensible a la hora de apoyar a la comunidad LGBT cuando conocen a alguien que se identifica como tal, así que espero que este proyecto proporcione una plataforma y una voz a los jóvenes", comenta Raymon. ¿Te animas a contar tu historia en Instagram? Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos.


"I grew up in a town where everyone knew each other’s business - I felt like I was under a microscope. When I first came out to my parents, they were shocked. Growing up in the South, I was always a tomboy who loved doing stuff with the guys. I would spend all of my free time outdoors with my guy friends doing everything from hunting to hiking and everything in between. My parents had the same common misconception that many people shared in my hometown in Oklahoma: that all gay men act the same way. It was such a refreshing feeling that I was able to change my parents' viewpoint on gay men. It makes me feel strong knowing I don’t have to conform to stereotypes. The fact that I was able to open up the opinions of my parents about my community makes me realize I can do that on a larger scale as well. I live in a state where there’s a pretty clear path laid out for your life. It’s the norm to graduate college, buy a house, settle down, and live five blocks down from your parents. But I like knocking down stereotypes. Not conforming to society has always been easy for me, in part because I’m gay. I don’t know how many times I’ve had people shoot down my dreams -- moving to New York or LA, pursuing a broadcast journalism career -- as nothing more than far fetched ideas that will never happen. It’s discouraging at first, but it makes me want to try that much harder to achieve my goals and prove all of those people wrong. Above all, I want to be in a position in my life where I will be able to teach the world about the LGBTQ community through my own stories. I’ve realized that it’s okay to stand out and do things your own way. I’m a gay tomboy from the South who’s going to show everyone who doubted me that my dreams can become my reality. Growing up in Oklahoma has shown me how hard I am going to have to work to reach my goals, but when you want something as bad as I do, I know I can make it happen." -- Cash, Stillwater, OK ______________ ‪#‎VisibleMe‬ is curated by @raymondbraun. The campaign is dedicated to making the (in)visible visible by shining a spotlight on diverse, compelling stories from LGBTQ youth all around the world.

Una foto publicada por #VisibleMe (by @raymondbraun) (@visibleme) el


"Makeup has been getting a lot of attention on social media lately. Or maybe it’s not, and I’m just paying more attention to it because I'm interested in the industry. I started using makeup in theater. Backstage, I worked with makeup artists to achieve character appearances. From there, I felt inspired to explore makeup as a means to enhance a person's appearance, onstage and off. The more I began to work with makeup, especially on myself, the more I began to embrace a more feminine side of myself. I think this feminine side is present in all men, but often disregarded or shunned. Anyone who uses makeup knows that it is a tool for self-empowerment. However, makeup can also be used as a weapon: to attack a girl’s appearance and exploit her insecurities, to discredit a man’s "masculinity," or to mock a person's gender identity. Women have been targeted by memes like, “take her swimming on the first date,” used to claim that a woman, man, or any person who uses makeup is somehow trying to "hide" an "ugly monster." The assumption is that makeup is a mask. I use makeup as a way to remove a mask. Makeup is a way to amplify what is inside me. Gender is not binary. For myself and many others, makeup provides a way to express inner femininity otherwise not present in our everyday lives. Makeup is an art that helps further realize how I see myself and that helps us all feel more glamorous, fierce, and human. I am a proud gay man (with a hint of gender fluidity for fun) who loves makeup. Take me swimming on the first date. I dare you." -- Spencer, 16, Arizona ______________ #VisibleMe is curated by @raymondbraun. The campaign is dedicated to making the (in)visible visible by shining a spotlight on diverse, compelling stories from LGBTQ youth all around the world. To share your story, e-mail Raymond at

Una foto publicada por #VisibleMe (by @raymondbraun) (@visibleme) el


"I’m a classical ballet dancer. I’m an artist. I use my art form to express myself. So how do I express my true self if I’m not honest about who I am? That’s what went through my head the day I decided to come out. After I found the courage to come out to my parents and close friends, I didn’t want to return to my high school. While it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, an overwhelming sense of fear began to set in. When I returned to school, would people treat me the same way? Growing up, I was the only student of color. Now that I was out, I convinced myself that I was "too different," and began to create scenarios in my head of being bullied. In hindsight, I’m certain my peers would have accepted me; but at the time, the uncertainty was too much to bare. So, I asked my parents to let me audition for a nearby Performing Arts High School. As a dancer, I knew that an arts environment would be supportive. I auditioned three weeks before the school year started and was accepted on scholarship to attend my sophomore year. I never knew a career in dance was possible, so it’s crazy to think that mine began because I came out. While I don't think that any LGBTQ youth should ever feel unsafe or unwelcome in an environment simply for being who they are, I am grateful that my coming out experience nudged me towards a new environment to discover myself. Ballet allows me to internalize the power of being open and honest. I want my dancing to convey authentic emotions and for the audience to believe every intention. The only way to achieve that is to be vulnerable. Ballet requires physicality, artistry, and a high level of technique. There’s no faking it. I made the decision to come out because I couldn’t fake who I was anymore. My dancing changed the minute I was honest with who I was. I dance with confidence and no apologies. It’s special to be able to call yourself a classical ballet dancer, and even more special to happy with who you are. I was afraid to come out, but now I’m proud that I stand out." - Harper, Texas ____________ #VisibleMe is curated by @raymondbraun. For more information, visit

Una foto publicada por #VisibleMe (by @raymondbraun) (@visibleme) el


“I understand why hiding your sexuality is deemed “being in the closet” because the years that I spent hiding who I was were dark, crowded, and claustrophobic. Growing up, I knew I was different. There was always a piece of myself that I felt was in the dark and that I couldn’t bring to light. Feeling like a stranger in your own skin is perhaps the worst way to experience life. When I was 13, I realized that I was gay. I spent the next three years hiding my sexuality behind the shadows of failed relationships and busy schedules. While I was hiding who I was, I felt like a hypocrite. I began volunteering for LGBTQ organizations, started a Gay-Straight Alliance in my high school, and constantly preached the importance of having a voice and being open, all while hiding the truth about who I was. When I was 15, I was outed while in a long distance relationship with a girl from Pennsylvania. Although being outed was my biggest fear, I now look at it as a blessing in disguise. Had I not been forced to come out, I don’t know if I would have ever found the courage to do it myself. I was blessed with open and understanding parents and a strong support system. I began living my life as an unapologetically out and open gay girl. I can’t tell you that coming out will eliminate darkness and despair from your life. At times, it may add to it. Do not fear. This sadness and strife will give you the passion and drive to make a better life for yourself and for the beautiful family I like to call the LGBTQ community. When I was 13, I was afraid to accept that I was gay. At 19, I have seen marriage quality, the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”, I have worked with trailblazers, won scholarships, marched in the NYC and Boston Pride parades, and loved and learned more about myself that I could ever expect. In the words of Lea DeLaria, my favorite comedian and actor, “Refuse to be invisible”. I am Leah. I am an actress, musician, author, and activist. I have been openly gay for four years. I have never been prouder of the person I’ve become and I will never confine myself into a label that I cannot bend. I am out and about, and it’s better that way." @visibleme #VisibleMe

Una foto publicada por #VisibleMe (by @raymondbraun) (@visibleme) el


"One of the topics that I am always thinking about is dating. After all, I am a teenager in high school. What worries me sometimes is that dating can be hard when you’re trans. I have heard so many people’s stories about being denied a date because they are trans. This makes me sad and has me believing that no matter how nice, polite, or how much I get along with a person, none of that would matter because of one thing about me. I am always afraid that someone won’t want to be with me because I am trans, but then I think about myself and realize that there is so much more about me than being trans. All I know is that one day when I do find my special someone, they are going to be the best person ever for me. They are going to realize that being trans is a non-issue and will see all of the wonderful things that I have to offer." -- Lily, 15, California ________________ ‪#‎VisibleMe‬ is curated by Raymond Braun. The campaign is dedicated to making the (in)visible visible by shining a spotlight on diverse, compelling stories from LGBTQ youth all around the world. To share your story, e-mail Raymond at

Una foto publicada por #VisibleMe (by @raymondbraun) (@visibleme) el

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