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La respuesta de Madonna a las críticas por su vestido en la Met Gala 2016


Madonna MET Gala críticas

MADONNA RESPONDE: esto es lo que tiene que decir a quienes criticaron su POLÉMICO VESTIDO.

Una de las estrellas estrelladas en la Met Gala 2016 de este año fue Madonna. Entre tanto mamarracha y mamarracho (recuerda a los 5 hombres peor vestidos de la Met Gala 2016), sobresalían las tetas y el culo de Madonna desnuda en la Met Gala 2016. Pero la cantante de 'Bitch I'm Madonna' no se ha quedado callada ante la avalancha de críticas por su indumentaria, ese comentadísimo vestido de Givenchy que dejaba a la vista tanto sus pechos como su trasero.

En las redes sociales y en los medios más críticos se repetían adjetivos como "vieja y desesperada", pero Madonna vuelve a ejercer de víctima del "ageism" para defender de nuevo que cada uno vista como le salga de las narices, tenga la edad que tenga. Y si la criticas (que es lo que ella buscaba con este vestido, ser el centro de atención y de los comentarios maliciosos) es que tienes prejuicios. ¿Qué te parece la respuesta de Madonna a las críticas por su vestido en la Met Gala 2016? Esto es lo que comentaba desde su Instagram, hablando de derechos de los homosexuales o Nina Simone:


"We have fought and continue to fight for civil rights and gay rights around the world. When it comes to Women's rights we are still in the dark ages. My dress at the Met Ball was a political statement as well as a fashion statement. The fact that people actually believe a woman is not allowed to express her sexuality and be adventurous past a certain age is proof that we still live in an age-ist and sexist society. I have never thought in a limited way and I'm not going to start. We cannot effect change unless we are willing to take risks By being fearless and By taking the road leas traveled by. Thats how we change history. If you have a problem with the way I dress it is simply a reflection of your prejudice. I'm not afraid to pave the way for all the girls behind me‼️ As Nina Simone once said, the definition of freedom is being fearless. I remain Unapologetic and a Rebel <3 in this life and all the others. Join my fight for Gender. Equality!"


We have fought and continue to fight for civil rights and gay rights around the world. When it comes to Women's rights we are still in the dark ages. My dress at the Met Ball was a political statement as well as a fashion statement. The fact that people actually believe a woman is not allowed to express her sexuality and be adventurous past a certain age is proof that we still live in an age-ist and sexist society. I have never thought in a limited way and I'm not going to start. We cannot effect change unless we are willing to take risks By being fearless and By taking the road leas traveled by. Thats how we change history. If you have a problem with the way I dress it is simply a reflection of your prejudice. I'm not afraid to pave the way for all the girls behind me‼️ As Nina Simone once said, the definition of freedom is being fearless. I remain Unapologetic and a Rebel in this life and all the others. Join my fight for Gender. Equality!

Una foto publicada por Madonna (@madonna) el

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