barra head

This was my house

Muere Frankie Knuckles, leyenda del house
Muere frankie knuckles, leyenda del house... can't write anymore than this at the moment... i am devastated to write that my dear friend frankie knuckles has passed away today... durante los 80 y los 90, sus sonidos impregnaron los clubes de medio mundo, iniciando en chicago lo que hoy consideramos house e inspiró a muchísimos artistas pop como los mismísimo pet shop boys (a los que también remezcló)... — david morales (@djdavidmorales) abril 1, 2014... murió el pasado lunes por una complicación de la diabetes que padecía... triste semana para el mundo de la música... muchos son los djs y personalidades del mundo de la música que han publicado sus condolencias en twitter... nosotros nos quedamos con el mejor homenaje...
Lady Gaga escribe sobre su estrés postraumático tras haber sido violada
  my body is in one place and my mind in another... i was overworked and not taken seriously when i shared my pain and concern that something was wrong... it’s harder to do my job... when this happens i can’t talk... and i don’t want to keep this secret anymore... this is how i and we can begin to heal...  examples are leaving the house or being touched by strangers who simply want to share their enthusiasm for my music... but i am a strong and powerful woman who is aware of the love i have around me from my team, my family and friends, my doctors and from my incredible fans who i know will never give up on me... while this is true, i seek to raise awareness that this mental illness affects all kinds of people, including our youth...  it’s like the panic...
Filtrada nueva canción de Amy Winehouse, 'My Own Way'
Amy winehouse - my own way... gil cang contaba que el tema era una demo nunca lanzada: "this is a song demo that gil cang and james mcmillan and maryanne morgan wrote with amy back in the day that we love and want the world to be able to hear as it was never released"... el padre de amy winehouse arremete contra el 'back to black' de beyoncé... recordemos que el primer disco de amy, 'frank', se editó en el año 2003... el hermano de amy winehouse asegura que la artista murió de bulimia... ojalá pudiéramos tener acceso a las canciones que amy grabó después de este disco, ya que muchas se quedaron guardadas y nunca han sido publicadas... ¿te gusta 'my own way'?... a pesar de que ya han pasado unos cuantos años desde el fallecimiento...
George Michael cancela su gira por ansiedad
Unfortunately i seriously underestimated how difficult this year would be and although i was right to believe that the shows would bring me great happiness and that my voice would recover completely (i truly think that some of my recent performances have been my best ever) i was wrong to think i could work my way through the major anxiety that has plagued me since i left austria last december... by way of explanation all i can say at this time is that since last year's illness i have tried in vain to work my way through the trauma that the doctors who saved my life warned me i would experience... i have today announced the cancellation of the shows in australia which breaks my heart... all that's left for me to do is apologise to my wonderful australian fan base and to promise faithfully that...
Miley Cyrus dice que 'I Kissed A Girl' de Katy Perry trata sobre ella
They said, ‘who did you write that about?’ she said me! and i was on a four wheeler, actually—my dad had this four wheeler, this is how hillbilly we are, we had a radio attached to the four wheeler, and i heard it and i screamed, and started freaking out"... katy dijo a una revista lo siguiente: "i was with my boyfriend at the time, and i said to him, ‘i’m not going to lie: if scarlett johansson walked into the room and wanted to make out with me, i would make out with her... miley cuenta que katy dijo que 'i kissed a girl' iba sobre ella: "when she came out with ‘i kissed a girl’ i was doing the hannah montana movie, and i heard her on the radio... ¿besó katy perry a miley cyrus y de ahí salió su hit 'i kissed a girl'?...
Britney Spears sube 'My Only Wish (This Year)' a su cuenta Vevo
Es ahora britney spears la que rescata 'my only wish (this year)', su hit navideño de hace más de una década, y la sube a vevo, justo a tiempo para la temporada navideña...  britney spears - my only wish (this year)... britney spears sube a su cuenta vevo 'my only wish (this year)'... eso quiere decir que si estás todo el día poniendo esa canción de tu artista favorito, puede que le ayudes a subir en los charts... ¿montará la b army alguna campaña para conseguir que sea número 1? si algo está claro es que no se puede competir con 'all i want for christmas is you' de la omnipresente mariah carey, así que nosotros de ellos nos lo ahorraríamos... lady gaga ya ha tenido sus dramas, animando...
El luchador Matt Cage sale del armario
my peers will respect me for my work... my parents know and they support me... my family will love me for me... however, i have no real intentions of pursuing females at this stage of my life... to those who have my back, thank you... when i privately came out to people that already know, i told them that this was the case... for the longest time, i claimed that i was bisexual... one of the biggest fears in my life has been rejection... hopefully nothing changes, but if any relationships change from this post, i'll know that i didn't need those people in my life anyway... i was the same person yesterday as i am right now, just now, i have a bit more weight lifted off of my shoulders... i was never the most popular kid in school or in my neighborhood, but i always had a plethora of friends in...
Kylie, acusada de no pagar a los bailarines del vídeo de 'I Was Gonna Cancel'
my intention was not to undermine the experience and talent of professionals... kylie - i was gonna cancel (logie awards 2014)... this was always intended to be a fun and creative experience, and i certainly didn't mean to offend the dance community... instead it was a call out to my friends and the people they knew to be part of a particular crowd scene in the video, who wanted to share this great opportunity with me... i have the utmost respect and admiration for the dance community! i was fortunate to work with an artist as iconic and talented as kylie and highly respected choreographer rafael bonachela, who trusted me completely with my vision at the beginning of my career... we all had a great time on set and everybody was happy to be part of the creation... contrary to reports! #paythedancers...
Daniel Franzese de 'Mean Girls' sale del armario con una carta a su personaje
this wasn't the last time this happened... so, there it was... when i was cast in the role of “damian” in ‘mean girls,’ i was terrified to play this part... perhaps this will help someone else... i was twenty-six; you were sixteen...   damian, you had ruined my life and i was really pissed at you... meanwhile, i was still in the closet... i figured i was perfect for it... people have always asked if i was really gay? while my reps usually lied to protect me...   but this was a natural and true representation of a gay teenager - a character we laughed with instead of at...   i was meeting a "gay glass ceiling" in casting... when we first made this movie, i’m not sure any of us knew how loved and quoted this movie...
Un padre orgulloso de su hija homófoba de 10 años
my daughter just came up to me yesterday and said she was never watching this show again... now i don’t really have a problem with gay folks, and have several gay friends and have offered them my full support with marriage and whatever because this is a free country where people should be allowed to pursue their own happiness, regardless of how abnormal it may be,  long as it doesn’t affect me or others, and i have never pushed any ‘anti-gay’ stuff on any of my kids, but it was an extremely proud moment for me that my 10 year old daughter is able to recognize on her own the way the media pushes the gay agenda on our children... when i asked why, because she loves watching these extremely stupid kid shows (she’s 10), she said ‘because there is this boy...